First Virtual Brussels Airport Marathon thanks to revolutionary event app!


Run your own Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon by using a new, revolutionary event app. In the span of one week, you can run where and when you like, but also along an inspiring course designed exceptionally and exclusively for this purpose. That is the renewed concept of the first virtual Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon in a nutshell. It is free to take part. The physical event will be postponed by one year due to the corona crisis and held on 3 October 2021.

The first virtual Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon will run from 28th September until 4th October and offers a challenging and safe running experience for runners from all over the world to come and discover Brussels (virtually). Participants can choose from 3 challenges: 10km, 21km or 42.195km. You can start your run from your own front door, run along your favourite training course, on your local athletics track? but why not actually in the heart of Brussels!? We have set out a wonderful route for you that has been signposted especially for this challenge. ‘The Brussels City Route’ will take participants past a great many A-locations of the Brussels Capital Region. It will offer up a combination of famous city landmarks and numerous well-known, but also a few hidden green pearls.

Revolutionary event app

No matter where or when you run your challenge, the new and revolutionary event app – used in Belgium for the first time – promises to give every participant a lifelike event experience. For instance, you will be able to listen to audio descriptions of the highlights that you would normally see at that point in your run, but you can also choose your own start wave, among other options, and compete with your fellow runners. Afterwards, it is easy to share your result, photos and virtual medal on your social media channels via the app.

In addition, we offer participants the opportunity to order the official T-shirt and official medal, which will be sent to participants’ home addresses afterwards.

‘A marathon like we have not ran before, Brussels like we have never seen it. That is what the organisation is bringing to the table this year. Exceptional circumstances call for exceptional formats. Participants organise their challenge as they please by choosing their own timeslot and their favorite course. This format makes the event even more accessible. This is also the way the City of Brussels looks at sports : physical activities where people can participate according to their own individual rhythm and physical ability’ says Benoit Hellings Alderman of Sports of the City of Brussels.

Physical event has been postponed

Due to the coronavirus, the Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon, scheduled to take place on 4th October, will be postponed by a year and will now be held on 3rd October 2021. Traditionally, half of the participants come from abroad. Current circumstances make it difficult for many of them to plan their travel. Nevertheless, the organisation offers participants the opportunity to discover Brussels (virtually) thanks to the first Virtual Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon.

“I am delighted that the Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon can still go ahead this year”, says Sven Gatz, Minister of Finance, Budget and the Image of Brussels in the government of the Brussels Capital Region. “This edition, which will be organised virtually, will allow all those with a keen interest to come and run the epic distance in our beautiful Brussels, whilst others will be able to take part from the comfort of their own home thanks to the app developed especially for this purpose. Once again, sport is successfully bringing people together and helping them rise above themselves. Let?s make a date for this extraordinary event at the start of October, but also for October 2021, for an edition that we are already looking forward to now!”


You can sign up for the Virtual Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon as of now.

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