Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon 2022 – Save the date


The next edition of the Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 2 October 2022.

Due to Covid-19, the 2020 Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon have been postponed to a later date that is yet to be determined. Even though we as a society can slowly begin to look forward to an easing of the rules this autumn, we, and the City of Brussels, the Brussels Capital-RegionBrussels Airport and the other partners linked to this event, have come to the regrettable conclusion that organising a fully-fledged Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon in 2021 is still not on the cards.

We only want the event to go ahead if it can be done in such a way that we do justice to this event’s rich tradition. After all, the Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon have traditionally always had an international flair. Participants from no fewer than 105 countries appeared at the start for previous editions. Over 1/3rd of all participants does not reside in Belgium. For many of them, the current situation and how it affects their possible participation is too uncertain.

That is why we as organisation, together with the authorities and partners involved, are now focusing on the 2022 Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon, on Sunday 2 October 2022 to be precise. All participants who had already registered for the 2022 edition have received a personal email.

Stay healthy, continue to follow all health directives and see you soon!

Team Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon

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